Tibble Fork Reservoir

American Fork, Utah

Travel Fee: $60

Features: mountain backdrops, streams, lake, evergreens, water reflections, outdoorsy, rocks, fishing, canoeing, hiking

Please be aware that Tibble Fork experiences significant weekend crowds during the summer season. I do not conduct photography sessions at this location from Friday to Sunday in the months of June, July, and August. My availability for photography sessions is limited to weekdays only during the summer months.

Availability: 24/7

Address: About 6 miles up the American Fork Canyon – There is only AT&T cell phone service so I generally meet in Highland where you will then follow my vehicle.

Additional Notes: This location is great all year round. The prime season for this location is when the fall leaves our out (October 1 – 15th). The fall leaves will shed earlier than down in the valley since it is a higher altitude.

Video links on YouTube showcasing this location: One


American Fork Amphitheater


Wadley Farms (Lindon)